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How to stream free Genie streaming links

Genie is an important music site that contributes to music show wins and digital points (streaming on digital music sites such as Genie) is an important component comprising of 40-65% of the total score for wins.

You can help to stream by clicking on free streaming links provided by Inspirits who have accounts and paid passes but no time to stream. So in this case we are streaming on their behalf.

Each link contains a certain number of streams. Eg. 30x streams means that the title song can be streamed 30 times.

Genie counts the stream as long as the song is played in full without pause or skip in each hour. In order not to waste the limited streams, Inspirits are encouraged to stream only one time each hour, without pausing or replay.

Eg. 30 Streams:

✅ Play song ONCE PER HOUR = Song is played for 30 hours = stream counted as 30 times

❌ Play Song 30x in one hour = stream counted as 1 time only

  • One stream / per ID (without purchased plan) / per hour

  • Do not replay song!

1. First, change your IP address to that of South Korea. go to to download the extension.

2. After installing and adding the extension to your browser, change your country to South Korea

3. Depending on the applications that you have used to create your Genie account (Point 4 in link here), you will need to change the country too in the browser that you are using to open these accounts.

You may also download Puffin browser and use it to stream the links.

4.Click on the link below the green 'genie' text

4. Login with the account that you signed up with Genie for (Point 4 in link here)

5. Click play once and like the song.

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